This looks better than I thought it would
Much better: Video Games | Sonic 4: Ep. 1 | Debut Trailer HD XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii (Also I\’m such a Sonic nerd that I noticed…
Much better: Video Games | Sonic 4: Ep. 1 | Debut Trailer HD XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii (Also I\’m such a Sonic nerd that I noticed…
Sonic is the only playable character in Project Needlemouse I have to admit, that enemy concept art reminds me way too much of old-school enemy concept art. Having enemies with…
Here’s what I picked up, during both the Thanksgiving and Christmas sales on Steam: Mirror’s Edge (already beaten – they weren’t kidding when they said this was a short game)…
I haven’t been updating because of some real-life issues I’ve been having that I’d rather not go into here. That said, here’s what’s been going on with me: Added some…
I just dropped $700 on new parts for my computer and $24 on all four Prince of Persia games, and then I saw the following offers on our Cyber Monday…
Went to see Whose Live Anyway this past weekend. I’m a big fan of Whose Line is it Anyway? (both the British and American versions, before you ask) so being…
Fallout 3 has finally been evicted from my DVD drive. (Because I completed it, not because I got fed up with it) And no, I’m probably not going to buy…
With my router between my modem and my PC: With my modem connected directly to my PC: Thee words: What the fuck? EDIT: Apparently something in the router settings was…
I seem to have run into a bug that prevents me from progressing in the game without using a noclip cheat. WTF
Well, Doom Classic for the iPhone is a decent enough exception. It’s not perfect, but there seems to be a control scheme that at least approximates the feel of a…