Something awesome this way comes
Unlocking Sonic is going to be a pain in the ass…
Unlocking Sonic is going to be a pain in the ass…
It looks like apart from the EDGE network, Apple has more or less dealt with all the problems I had with the iPhone in one stroke. On top of that,…
Just got back about an hour ago. There was a reorganisation of my group at work about a couple of months ago, and our new boss held an \”offsite\” for…
I loved this episode to pieces.
Police incompetence in Singapore! Terrorist suspect escapes while in police custody in Singapore It's always great for your peace of mind when your family lives in the same 700 square…
Click here to find out how I thought it might have been funny if the Pakistan government's blocking of Youtube had caused yesterday's outage (the site was unavailable for pretty…
This article on the BBC website kind of jumped out at me today: Starbucks to lay off staff in Seattle When the coffee companies in Seattle start laying off people,…
Sega Superstars Tennis is looking really fun Then again, it IS being handled by Sumo Digital, who ported Outrun 2 SP and Virtua Tennis 3 to consoles, and did an…
But it felt really nice. Awaiting more details (and a high-resolution trailer) with bated breath.
This had me shaking my head The main line that threw me for a loop was While in prison, Mr Ranjan contested and won a seat in parliament for his…